About Pranayama

Our Yoga studio has become one of the most popular yoga venues in USA. It is time to discover your passion.

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Arunachala Yoga - (Art of Prana )

Arunachala yoga center was started by Swamy anbalagan . Since 1970, he has been teaching yoga & practicing ayuveda he is a follower of 18 sidhas & practioner of ayurveda, meditation. he teaches vasi yoga and advanced pranayama.

Yoga classes begin with breathing exercises. The body is then gently put into movement, in particular with the Sun Salutations.

You are now ready to practice Yoga postures that make the body stronger and more flexible in all directions (side inclinations, twists, forward and backward stretching, reverse poses).

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"Letting go is the hardest asana."

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pranayama classes

Ayurveda - ART OF PRANA


"Pranayama is control of Breath". "Prana" is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and "ayama" means control. So Pranayama is "Control of Breath".
One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve healthy body and mind. Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he mentions the holding of breath as important practice of reaching Samadhi. Hatha Yoga also talks about 8 types of pranayama which will make the body and mind healthy.
Five types of prana are responsible for various pranic activities in the body, they are Prana, Apana, Vyan, Udana & Samana. Out of these Prana and Apana are most important. Prana is upward flowing and Apana is downward flowing. Practice of Pranayama achieves the balance in the activities of these pranas, which results in healthy body and mind.


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swamy anbalagan



Director & Yogacharya

